+49 (0)177 3649317 yes@urbanjoy.de

Hey man, brother, companion, friend, supporter, partner,

an ancient proverb says: 

If you wanna go fast, go by yourself. If you wanna go far, go together.

Here in this circle, we come together to witness & update, upgrade & celebrate each others strength, presence & wisdom. 

Support each other in being the best version of ourselves, realize our dreams, experience the brotherhood that is possible between present, warmhearted men.

Zeit für Männerthemen, gegenseitiges Bezeugen, brüderliches Unterstützen & Inspirieren , Humor & Verbundenheit.
Fühle & erlebe herzliche, friedvolle Männlichkeit in Gemeinschaft. Duo, Klein- & Grossgruppenerfahrungen teils geleitet, teils in freiem Flow.
Die Veranstaltung findet in angenehmer Atmosphäre über den Dächern von Berlin, nahe Gendarmenmarkt statt. Genaue Adresse nach Anmeldung.
Teilnahme via Nachricht an www.t.me/joejung

Bitte bring folgendes mit:

Soft Skills:
Achtsamkeit, Wohlwollen, Aufgeschlossenheit & Eigenverantwortlichkeit

Hard Facts:
Bequeme Kleidung
Für Orga & Raum 15€/ermäßigt 10€
Ein alkoholfreies Getränk oder 2 zum Teilen & genießen

optionaler Bonus: PanoramaKaltwasserdusche für das Extra an Dopamin – Pack dafür noch ein Handtuch ein

Our next event

Montag 16.9. | 19:45-21:00+

Männerrunde | 1,5 Stunden+ Männliche Gemeinschaft

im Unity Dome Berlin Charlottenstr. 63

A valued philosopher friend of mine shared a deep insight of his decades of work in the field of the collective human psyche:

Only suffering men fight one another. Men in their wholesome, healthy state do not compete against each other or fight their brothers. Men in their right mind & heart use their individual power to collaborate, co-create, alleviate suffering and synergetically realize a more and more refined version of heaven on earth.

Be what you want to see more of in the world. Express & explore your capabilities & visions, your contribution & calling with your fellow men.

The journey of humanity has been evolving for hundreds of thousands of years. In this Circle we share & use tools & wisdom, technologies & games to savour the precious years we have on this planet

  • Breath Work
  • the power of Touch
  • Playfight
  • Presencing, Consent & Connection Games
  • Meditation
  • Mastermind & Circle Intelligence

What kind of a human, what kind of a man do you want to be? What potential inside of you, do you want to realise in this life? What treasures that you can bring forth from your unique self are waiting to be co-created & shared?

What is going to be your legacy? Your gift? What defining moments will you look back upon in your last breaths??

SKILLS & MINDSET – including TRUST is what it takes to reach outstanding results

Define your goals, milestones, baby steps. Meet your Companions. The adventure is ON!