Dear warrior King/Queen, adventurer, battle exploratrice, tactics nerd, not so gentleman & woman
Welcome to the funny battle fields of the PlayFight Session
An afternoon Workshop series to explore the possiblities of letting your inner children out, supporting and strategizing with or against others‘ teams and take home a glorious victory or learn from your defeats! Let’s be safe, kind, silly, wild, courageous, empathetic, wicked, hilarious, and have looooads of fun!!
Our next event is on
Sunday 3.12. | 16:30-18:00
PlayFight Session | playful Class & Jam for childlike rough and tumble play for grownups
Zeit für Kissenschlacht, Capture the flag, King/Queen of the Hill, Rocket games, Sword battles & so much more!
Wir spielen in Solo, Duo, Trio oder Gruppen-Konstellationen. Die Veranstaltung findet in den großzügigen Räumen des Green Yoga Studio SEZ in Friedrichshain statt. Genaue Adresse nach Anmeldung.
Teilnahme via Nachricht an
Ticket 10€ or
USC Login +5€
für Class, Orga & Raum
Bitte bring folgendes mit:
Kommt in komfortabler, körpernaher, robuster Kleidung
Knieschoner können hilfreich sein
1 Flasche Wasser oder 1 alkoholfreies Getränk
optionaler Bonus: Souvenirfoto von Kampfszenen
Playing is rejuvenating. Fighting is a mamal instinct. Bringing both together brings out joy, creativity & vibrant life quality.
Safety First – Maximum Fun Second
There is a multitude of PlayFight formats. Some are well know from childhood. Some have been forged in the holy halls of the play fight Gods! Be prepared for a unique selection every time we meet
- Playing Catch
- Völkerball
- Resting phases
- Playfight – with/out restraint
- ThaiChi Balances Games
- Hide & Seek
As self-directed adults the sky is the limit – let’s take our inner children on the experience, too!
Join us on this journey with an open mind and discover new or seemingly long lost feelings in a kind and caring environment!