+49 (0)177 3649317 yes@urbanjoy.de

Hey sisters, brothers, companions, friends, supporters, co-creators, family, tribe, angels

an ancient proverb says:

If you wanna go fast, go by yourself. If you wanna go far, go together.

Here in this gathering/event, we come together to play, relax, have fun & celebrate each other.

Are you ready to enjoy each other in our current version: Gentle, soft, funny, silly, kind, adventurous.

Enter a space for your second birthday party of the year

Welcome to the Playtime event

Samstag 21.10. | 11:00-17:30

City community ceremony in Prenzlberg, Berlin

Zeit für Herzensfreude & Körpergenuss, gegenseitiges Zelebrieren, Zwischenmenschlichkeit & Inspirieren, Lebensqualität, Gefühlsabenteuer, Humor & Verbundenheit.

Fühle & erlebe herzliche, aufregende, friedvolle Zeit in Gemeinschaft. Duo, Klein- & Grossgruppenerfahrungen teils geleitet, teils in freiem Flow.
Eine Bonus-Birthday-Party für Deine inneren Kinder in herzlicher Atmosphäre in den großzügigen Räumen des Green Yoga Studios SEZ Prenzlberg/FHain.
Teilnahme via Nachricht an www.t.me/joejung

Bitte bring folgendes mit:

  • Frische, bequeme, bewegungsfreundliche Kleidung
  • einen Beitrag zum veganen Mitbringbüffet
  • Wasserflasche
  • Eine gemütliche Decke/Kissen
  • ein hübsch verpacktes Geschenk 

Der Event ist ein Benefizevent für unsere Berliner Community
Spendenbeiträge zum Decken der Raum- und Orgakosten z.B. 5/10Eur sind herzlich willkommen

A valued philosopher friend of mine shared a deep insight of his decades of work in the field of the collective human psyche:

Only suffering humans fight one another. People in their wholesome, healthy state do not compete against each other or fight one another. Beings in their balanced,  naturally ressourced state  use their individual power to collaborate, co-create, alleviate suffering and synergetically realize a more and more refined version of heaven on earth.

Be what you want to see more of in the world. Express & explore your possibilities & visions, your contribution & calling with your fellow brothers & sisters.

The journey of humanity has been evolving for hundreds of thousands of years. In this Circle we share & joy & wisdom, activities, meditations & games to savour the precious time we have together. Some of the activities May include

  • Breath Work
  • the power of Touch
  • Playfight
  • Presencing, Consent & Connection Games
  • Meditation
  • Circle Intelligence
  • Völkerball
  • AcroYoga
  • Music & Karaoke

Did your inner children celebrate their birthday enough this year? No? Yes? Then let’s celebrate even more

Bring your favourite toys, instruments, wishes, ideas a present to give away! Der Spielplatz ist eröffnet