+49 (0)177 3649317 yes@urbanjoy.de

Dear adventurer, exploratrice, devotee, gentleman & woman 

Welcome to the art of Shibari for Beginners

An evening Workshop series to explore the possiblities of using the art of tying ropes arround the human body in the presence of playful & aware people. Explore with us the space between relaxation and tension, trust & play, creativity & surrender

Shibari & Tantra Workshop

4.2. | 19:30-22:+

How rope art & touch can be combined for deep sensual sessions

in Stadtmitte, Berlin

Teilnahme via PM an www.t.me/joejung | Tickets 35€ | optional +15€ Sauna Upgrade

Shibari & Sauna Night

26.2. | 18:00-22:00+

Rope fundamentals meet Sauna infusions

in Stadtmitte, Berlin

Teilnahme via PM an www.t.me/joejung | SoloTicket 35€ | Duo/TrioTickets 30€ p.P.

Gentle Shibari Workshop

5.3. | 19:45-21:45+

Bondage fundamentals workshop ‚knot magic‘ & practice jam

in Stadtmitte, Berlin

Teilnahme via PM an www.t.me/joejung | Tickets 25€

Zeit für grundlegende Knoten & Bindetechniken, miteinander Entdecken, Anwenden und kreativ sein mit dem Instrumenten Seil, Körper, Atem, Berührung & Vertrauen

Wir üben in Solo, Duo oder Trio-Konstellation. Die Veranstaltung findet in angenehmer Atmosphäre über den Dächern Berlins statt. Genaue Adresse nach Anmeldung.

Bitte bring folgendes mit:
Komm/t in komfortabler, körpernaher Kleidung
Wenn möglich eigene Seile
1 Flasche Wasser oder 1 alkoholfreies Getränk
– Für Saunanutzung 3 Handtücher 

optionaler Bonus: Souvenirfoto von Eurem SeilWerk

The practice of Shibari has originated in Japan to detain & punish suspects, criminals or prisoners.

It eventually emerged into an artform & leisure activity as using ropes on the body can not only inflict unpleasant sensations but instead also soothing and nourishing experiences

Here we explore two of the for potential aspects of the art of rope bondage

  • the technical aspects of knots and ties & the creative aspect of the process
  • the sensual side of being tended to, receiving trus and touching or guideing a human body from position to position
  • the erotic aspects of being mutual play partners
  • the BDSM aspects of dominance, submission and all kinds of other adult forms of play

We will focus in this Workshop on the first two aspects

Once you discover the basics more elements come into reach as an interesting addition to the experience. Look forward to some of these elements in the more advanced workshops

  • managing sensory input & neuronal activation
  • Breathing & Breath Work  
  • the power of Touch
  • Playfight – with/out restraint
  • Presencing, Consent, Connection & Role play Games
  • Meditation & Partner Meditation
  • Circle Co-Creations

As self-directed adults the sky is the limit 

Join us on this journey with an open mind and discover new experiences in a kind and caring environment!